Helpful Hints for User Registration and Log-In
If you cannot log in to your ConfTool account or have problems creating a new user account, please consider the following hints.
Please also note that you always find the contact e-mail address of the responsible Congress organizer in the lower left corner of every ConfTool screen (see image 1).

Guide on How to Solve Log-In Problems with ConfTool
Firstly, please note that the user name and the password are both case sensitive, i.e. “peter” and “Peter” are two different user names and/or passwords. Furthermore consider that some letters and numbers look quite similar, e.g. the capital letter “O” and the number zero “0” look alike but are different symbols.
If you are unsure about your user name, please try to regain it by using the link “Forgotten your user name?” on the login page. You will have to enter the e-mail address that has been used for your account. If the system responds that “no user with your e-mail address is registered with ConfTool”, one of the following reasons probably applies:
- You have used another e-mail address during the registration process. Please also try your other addresses.
- You do not hold an account with this ConfTool instance. Usually each Congress has its own user database, so if you registered for one Congress, you will have to create a new account for other Congresses.
- There was a typo in your e-mail address when your account was established. Please contact the Congress organizers, they will be able to update your account data.
- You hold two user accounts (usually with two different e-mail addresses).
If the above-mentioned hints do not solve your problem, please contact the Congress organizers. They can easily check:
- if you hold a user account,
- verify (and update) your e-mail address,
- send you your current user name and/or
- merge duplicated accounts (if required).
They (usually) cannot send you your password, as it is encrypted. So if you know your user name, but your password does not work, please use the “Forgotten your password?” link. You will get an e-mail to regain your password.
If you are really stuck, the Congress organizers can also set a new user name and/or password for you and send it to you.
Hints on How to Establish a New ConfTool Account
To create a new ConfTool account, please type in your e-mail address and click on “Register now” on the login page. Please fill in all fields marked with an asterisk “*” before the label of the input field.
If you already hold a ConfTool account for this Congress, do not create a second account for the same event in ConfTool. For example: If you have already submitted a paper, please use the same account to register for Congress participation, too.
If you try to create a second account with the same e-mail address, you will get a corresponding error message. In that case, please use your e-mail address to regain your user name and password if you have forgotten them (see above). Please note: In some cases organizers have decided to allow users to create several accounts with the same e-mail address; also in these cases, please use the same account for all actions related to one person.
There are some requirements about the data when you create an account:
- The e-mail address must be valid. ConfTool does several tests to ensure that you enter a valid address to avoid typos. Your e-mail address will be used to contact you about the event, the submission process and the participant registration process.
- The user name has to consist of at least 2 characters, is case-sensitive and must be unique, i.e., no other ConfTool user must already be registered with the same name.
- The password has to consist of at least 5 characters, is case-sensitive and has to contain at least one Latin character (a-z) and one number (0-9).
- The password must not be simplistic, for instance it must not be equal to your name.
If you have problems creating a user account, please contact the congress organizers by e-mail and include all required data. The congress organizers will be able to assist you.